Today New York City Center premiered their third installment of the ongoing video series Encores! Inside the Revival. This third installment takes viewers on a journey inside the creative process behind the Encores! revival of Love Life directed by Victoria Clark. Originally scheduled for the 2020 Encores! season, this production was cancelled on the afternoon of the run-through as the news broke that theaters across New York City were being shut down to contain the coronavirus pandemic.
A year later, Clark, Encores! Music Director Rob Berman, and Consulting Producer for Musical Theater, and previous Encores! Artistic Director Jack Viertel revisit the production and discuss their process of imagining Kurt Weill and Alan Jay Lerner’s rarely seen 1948 musical. The episode also features performances from the cast of the 2020 production, including Kate Baldwin, Brandon Burks, Jonathan Christopher, John Edwards, John-Michael Lyles, Heath Saunders, and Brian Stokes Mitchell. Together, they explore how Love Life resonates more than ever, as its values, social satire, and activism comment on the American dream. All Encores! Inside the Revival episodes stream for free on City Center’s YouTube channel and website at
Watch the full video in the player above.
Photo: NY City Center