Jay Armstrong Johnson Describes His Favorite Fan Moment

Jay Armstrong Johnson participated in our 10 Questions Series and revealed his favorite moment in Scotland, PA and described his favorite fan encounter.


1. When did you make your Broadway debut?

2. What is your favorite moment in Scotland PA?

3. Who did you look up to growing up?

4. Where did you go to school?

5. If you were stranded on a deserted island, which two characters from Scotland, PA would help you survive?

6. Who is your favorite backstage visitor during your Broadway career?

7. What was your favorite fan moment?

8. Who are you mentors in the industry?

9. If you had to survive on 3 cast albums for the rest of your life what would they be?

10. What 3 roles are on your performing bucket list?

Watch the video above for his answers!

This deliciously dark new musical comedy, based on the cult film (and the bard'sMacbeth), springs to life in a sleepy Pennsylvania town (population 1,203—and dropping), where a burger-joint manager and his wife cook up a plan to super-size their lives. As their ambitions grow and the bodies fall, the couple finds out just how far they’ll go for a taste of the oh-so-tempting American dream.