The classic Disney animated film, The Nightmare Before Christmas, is set to come to life as a virtual concert experience spearheaded by Broadway icon James Monroe Iglehart. You'll be able to watch this one night only event on The Actors Fund Vimeo channel and tickets are just $4.99 on October 31, 2020. To purchase tickets, click here.
This virtual concert will benefit the Lymphoma Research Foundation and The Actors Fund. It will also feature a "spooktacular" cast of Broadway talent joining Iglehart including, Rafael Casal, Adrienne Warren, Nik Walker, Danny Burstein, Lesli Margherita, and Rob McClure.
In talking about the project Iglehart said,
We are extremely grateful to Tim Burton, Danny Elfman and the Disney Music Group for allowing us the opportunity to bring our concert interpretation of The Nightmare Before Christmas to everyone this Halloween.
To learn more about the Lymphoma Research Foundation, click here. To learn more about The Actors Fund, click here.